Sharing URI Europe's August Proverb

6 August 2015
Proverb August 2015.jpg

Real Friendship - The Best Therapy

To listen takes time. Most people do not have that time.

When things are at their worst, we go to a therapist with our story. He/she will listen - of course for a remuneration. In this way to listen has become a profession, which in itself is not a bad thing.

We risk losing something precious.

Who else, but your best friend cares about you and is interested in your story? A close friend will listen to you without being asked, will not try to control you or to put pressure on what you say. He/she will not judge or condemn.

Besides you do not expect your friend to be an expert in listening, in the same way that you do not expect him/her to have answers to all your questions. It is only about listening with intent. While listening he/she is there for you.

It is about 'being there'.

No therapist has an answer to all your questions.

A therapist - but also a close friend - can only empathize, kindly confront you with and honestly encourage you to keep seeking and to continue. Whereas, with a friend, you are allowed to make mistakes and show your minor faults. To be who you are or 'only' who you are. He/she will not lose confidence in you too quickly. On the contrary; such a therapist is in each one of us.

More than you think.

You can mean a lot to your family, a friend or neighbour - if you are prepared to listen. The listening ear gives the other person permission to speak and therefore creates the space the other person needs in order to find the answer himself.

Does it need to be repeated that every relation is built on conversations that are enjoyable and open? They are without doubt the durable building stones for strong relationships.

Real Friendship - The Best Therapy



Movement without a Name (MWN / BZN) CC and URI Europe wish to contribute to a better world in a substantial manner. We want to set an example and have therefore introduced the URI Europe proverbs. They are meant to inspire and spark conversation. You can subscribe to the URI Europe monthly proverbs for free. Click here to find out more.