Enjoy videos showcasing peacebuilding work around the world, courtesy of the URI community.
The Power of Story
Hosted by Sam Waterston, this documentary series highlights some of the stories of URI members around the world that are working to make a positive difference in their community and beyond. This episode, The Power of Story, aired as part of the 24th season of The Visionaries. See more information.
Global Action
Enjoy this video showcasing URI's extraordinary network of peacebuilders around the world.
Accelerate Peace Conference Highlights
URI's Accelerate Peace conference brought peacebuilders from around the world together to discuss challenges to peace, both in their local communities and on an international level, and to realize action-oriented solutions benefitting all of humanity. Learn more at https://uri.org/accelerate-peace
Voices of URI
What is the United Religions Initiative? Our Global Staff and Global Council Trustees share their views on what it means to be part of an international interfaith peacebuilding movement.
People Uniting
As you join the People Uniting Campaign, your investment and efforts elevate hope and have a positive impact on communities around the world.
The Nuclear Prayer
When a former Secretary of State, a former Secretary of Defense, several United States Ambassadors, a famous physicist, and a few friends pray each month for the elimination of nuclear weapons, it raises lots of questions. What do they know that everyone needs to know? Why are they praying? What is their prayer?
In this video, you are invited to view the unfolding of this prayer and to meet these veterans of nuclear negotiations:
• The Honorable William J. Perry, former Secretary of Defense under President Clinton
• The Honorable George P. Shultz, former Secretary of State under President Reagan
• Dr. Sidney Drell, Professor Emeritus at the Stanford Linear Accelerator
• Ambassador James E. Goodby, former Strategic Nuclear Arms Negotiator with the U.S.S.R.
• Ambassador Thomas Graham, Jr, former Senior U.S. Diplomat
• Jonathan Granoff, President of the Global Security Institute
• Monica Willard, United Religions Initiative Representative to the United Nations
• The Right Rev. William E. Swing, former Episcopal Bishop of California, and President and Founder of the United Religions Initiative
Voices for a World Free of Nuclear Weapons is part of the United Religions Initiative; an international nonprofit that brings together people of all faiths and traditions to solve the problems facing our world as a whole.
See and share more versions of the Nuclear Prayer video, including:
URI Interfaith Television Special
On December 24, 2015, the United Religions Initiative hosted a groundbreaking interfaith program on the theme "May Peace Prevail on Earth" for CBS Television Network stations across the United States. According to Nielsen ratings, the special was viewed by more than 4 million US viewers, while a large international audience tuned in online.
Learn more, and see more video clips from the URI interfaith television special, here.
URI's special television broadcast introduces audiences to the world of interfaith peacebuilding.
We take you on a journey celebrating the work of extraordinary people from across the globe, and offer an antidote to the despair and devastating news that have taken over our day to day lives. From a one-of-a-kind Christmas Eve celebration in San Francisco to the war-torn streets of the Middle East and conflict-ridden cities of Western Africa, join us as we explore extraordinary stories of cooperation across religious divides, receive wishes from around the world, and unwrap the present of peace.
Former Secretary of State George P. Shultz Praises URI
In his testimony before the U.S. Senate Committee on Armed Services on January 29, 2015, former Secretary of State George Shultz closed his remarks by speaking of URI and ways - beyond military and diplomatic efforts - that are relevant for harmonizing Christian and Muslim societies.
We Unite
We unite people of diverse faiths into a dynamic web of relationships for building peace.
The URI Charter
In 1993, the United Nations invited Bishop Swing to host a large interfaith service for their 50th anniversary. He asked himself, “If the nations of the world are working together for peace through the UN, then where are the world’s religions? Since then, thousands of people from different cultures and perspectives have shared their visions and worked together to create URI: the United Religions Initiative.
What emerged was an inclusive Charter that provides a unique, grassroots-based structure and a set of principles for action on behalf of the common good, connecting people across religions and cultures in the service of peace and justice. With the signing of this Charter, the global URI organization was born on June 26, 2000.
URI's Cooperation Circles
A URI Cooperation Circle is a self-organizing group of at least seven members from at least three religions, spiritual expressions, or indigenous traditions—including atheists and agnostics.
Cooperation Circles work on two levels: by giving people of different backgrounds a chance to work together, and by tackling important community issues their members care about.
You Can Support URI's Work
Now, more than ever, be the catalyst for peacebuilding needs around the world. Every contribution matters. We thank you for your consideration.