Cooperation Circles around the world are taking concrete action to restore Earth, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and protect biodiversity. More than 30% of the CCs list “Environment” as one of their action areas. URI is responding to the global climate crisis with a tri-fold approach and many interactive opportunities for hands-on Earth restoration, climate action, and ongoing learning.

5 June – World Environment Day
World Environment Day began in 1973 when some of us began sounding the alarm about the harm being done to air, water, and soil. Fifty years later, we are still contaminating the place we call home.
URI Cooperation Circles are using grassroots action to clean the land and water and to tell the corporate powers that the pollution has to stop.
This year, World Environment Day focuses on the damage happening everywhere caused by single-use plastic. When bags, bottles, and containers get burned or tossed away as litter, it causes great harm to humans and all other creatures, from the depths of the ocean to the tops of the mountains.
Read more about the story of plastic and the action we can take here:
Tri-fold approach:
- Provide tools and resources that educate and inspire URI Cooperation Circles (CCs) and Members to take action in meaningful ways where they live;
- Work with the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) and other global partners to ensure that what’s at stake is visible and that the ways to help are clear; and
- Host ceremonial gatherings that honor Earth and celebrate our sacred eco-systems as worthy of our time, gratitude, and love.
Enjoy this video of URI CCs highlighting their efforts for Mother Earth.
URI: Mother Earth Day and the Green Rule, 2023 - To celebrate International Mother Earth Day, 2023, this 2 min, 15 sec video reminds us of the Green Rule and highlights ten Earth restoration projects from URI Cooperation Circles in 8 regions around the world.
There are a number of ways we are working together to focus our efforts:
- This 13-minute video presentation describes “Drawdown” as a practice and shows how CCs are using the URI Action Areas to draw carbon down from the atmosphere to restore ecosystems.
- Monthly climate action messages are shared across the URI network, providing resources for learning, announcing dates for days of global action, and celebrating the good work happening within CCs around the world.
- Thematic “learning sessions” encourage CCs and participants to teach and learn from one another online and locally. The sessions aim to utilize the valuable skillsets that exist across the URI network and with other knowledgeable partners.
- “Gathering for Earth” is an online monthly meeting to talk about our care for Earth. If you would like to attend an upcoming “Gathering for Earth” or share another idea related to climate action and Earth restoration, please contact Lauren Van Ham, URI Climate Action Coordinator.
We’d love to see you at one of our events soon. Please join us!