URI-Europe: War - Do Not Make Peace With It

2 September 2014

Some things never seem to change. “There has always been war” you are told, or you tell yourself, “and there will always be war. This is how the world is. I am unable to change it.”

The facts speak a strong language. Their evidence is overwhelming. Looking at TV images of frightened children, families who have lost everything, grown-up men crying out in panic and agony, is deeply disturbing for any human being with an open heart. We could be them. It is a catastrophe.

It demands great courage not to immediately shut down. To allow myself to be touched, even if the pain seems to push myself too hard. I may not always be able to face such immense pain.

But if I do, it makes me reflect.  This suffering inflicted by humans on humans, is it not the worst case? How much intelligence and thinking, how much money goes into the fabrication of war? What if only a fraction of that attention went into the crafting of peace?   

If human beings had given up too fast, antibiotics would never have invented.  Humanity has flown to the moon, but has not yet resolved the problems of war and hunger.

Can we start investing more energy, more perseverance, more effort in finding solutions for peace? Individually and as societies?

Should governments not create departments of peace, alongside departments of “defence”? Could peace not be taught to children, in kindergartens  and schools?

If more humans start envisioning peace, in very practical, concrete ways, it makes a difference. We must not be naïve. There are strong lobbies in favour of war over peace. But if more and more people refuse and resist war, and study its dynamics – and the dynamics of peace - it will have an impact. It had an impact in the past and will have one in the future. 

September 21 is the UN International Day of Peace. Please support it, if simply with a prayer, and share your story with humanity.    

War? Do not make peace with it.

Movement without a Name (MWN / BZN) CC and URI Europe wish to contribute to a better world in a substantial manner. We want to set an example and have therefore introduced the URI Europe proverbs. They are meant to inspire and spark conversation. You can subscribe to the URI Europe monthly proverbs for free. Click here to find out more.