URI-Europe: Now is Forever

7 October 2014

Now is forever.

Humans constantly have a tendency to identify with intellect. This thinking stands in the way of real relationships, because the numerous pictures and images that we create come between you and yourself, between you and your fellow human, but also between you and the Other.

In this way, that which stands between you and the other creates an illusion of being cut-off.

In this manner we lose touch with reality where all is one with everything.

In other words: even how powerful we use our intellect to objectify, at the same time it alienates us.

The intellect? A wonderful instrument if used well.

It is not so much ‘you’ who uses your intellect in an incorrect way as your intellect who 'uses you'.

We thus believe that 'we are our intellect'. That is really a misconception. Once we are fully aware of this, the involuntary and compulsive thinking ends. Then the awareness grows that everything that is really important - beauty, love, joy, inner peace - stems from something that is beyond the intellect.

The - Now - is the key to relief.

We can stop the stream of our thoughts by simply totally concentrating on the Now.

But that Now or that actual moment cannot be found as long as we 'are our intellect'.

Only the past and the future consider it important. Therefore we have to exceed our thinking. Or to let go of our attachment to the past or to the future by making Now the centre of our life.

When we observe a plant or an animal we learn what acceptance is. To surrender to Now.

From these creatures we can learn what 'being' means. They teach us what integrity is, which is: to be united, to be yourself or... to be real. In the end it means saying 'yes' to what is. 

Source: 'The power of ‘ NOW' Eckhart Tolle, Publisher Ankh-Hermes, Deventer, 2002 


Movement without a Name (MWN / BZN) CC and URI Europe wish to contribute to a better world in a substantial manner. We want to set an example and have therefore introduced the URI Europe proverbs. They are meant to inspire and spark conversation. You can subscribe to the URI Europe monthly proverbs for free. Click here to find out more.