URI-Europe: The heart wants to be moved

2 December 2014

Does it happen to you, too, that you are moved unexpectedly? That you are taken by surprise and forced to stand still? At that moment and for a second you feel at one with the world around you.

On the marketplace one tries to sell formulas to move you. "We have it" or "you deserve it". Do you still believe it? Trend watchers think jackpot! when they try to conjure up a concept with which they can touch the best and most beautiful in people. They try to make money with that which is invaluable. No law puts a stop to it. And that is not good. What they do is to move the outer side of the inside, and that does not linger. Whereas to be really moved, stays with you for the rest of your life. The authentic experience is not easy to fake.

Are we allowed to flirt with the ethical boundaries that we keep pushing? It may be difficult to define the boundaries of an inner ethical compass, the way the heart senses something can be surprisingly sharp. Very often we sense precisely what is allowed and what not. That which is beautiful and pure in people belongs to the mystery of life and should be protected from crude business.

To be moved is something real and valuable. It brings you in touch with a dimension that transcends us. Holy ground where it is wise to take your shoes off. URI Europe believes that people want to be moved. They hunger for an authentic emotion. It is the longing deep in ourselves that brings us unknowingly in touch with another, deeper dimension of which we know, deep down, that it can fulfil us and make us happy. Every heart longs to be moved. There are no exceptions.

Movement without a Name (MWN / BZN) CC and URI Europe wish to contribute to a better world in a substantial manner. We want to set an example and have therefore introduced the URI Europe proverbs. They are meant to inspire and spark conversation. You can subscribe to the URI Europe monthly proverbs for free. Click here to find out more.