Poem: Welcome URI

3 March 2015

Kala Sahithy Nature CC from Vettikavala (in Kollam, Kerala, India) recently joined the URI family in January as a group of writers, teachers, and environmental activists. 

This poem was written by CC member Ramachandran Parameswaran Krishman, who says, "I wish to congratulate you to do the most valuable services for the betterment and creation of a peaceful world. I have written a few words in the name 'Welcome URI' and I wish to share these words with URI. Thanks to all leaders of URI."



Welcome URI

Oh welcome all of you
You discard all violence
Follow the way of nonviolence
Throw away religious competitions
Embrace the way of consensus.
The wounds seen on Earth
Made by Men, the Master
Does he a mentor or a killer
Ages will prove the Truth
But we the URI members
Must take steps to heal
The Geo patches and scratches
And take a pledge not to be
An Encroacher hereafter
And let all living beings live
In Peace and harmony on Earth
And enjoy the Beauty of Universe.