Light Up - Emotions Matter Foundation

Building the power of emotions to create a healthier, more respectful of diversity, more equitable, and compassionate society, today and for future generations.
Light Up is one of the first few social ventures that is focusing on harnessing the emotional intelligence (EI) of children, parents, and teachers by developing their social and emotional competencies and providing them with tools necessary to form a cohesive, non-violent, and caring community that would ultimately equip them to lead happier and more successful lives.
Cultural, Hinduism, Indigenous, Jainism, Sikhism
Backward Caste, Brahmin, Tamil
Number of Members
North India
Delhi, India
Joined URI Network

Members of Light Up – Emotions Matter Foundation believe that religion is the most abused and misunderstood word in today’s time. They feel that it is imperative for people to break the stereotypes around religion to create a humanistic environment for the future generations to come and unite for positive progression for our country. They confirm the need of their work while they conduct Parent Sensitization Sessions, and in their Sanjay Camp Community. They see the impact of their work in the way the community is resolving their issues today. They believe that it is due to their 360-degree approach to solving the problems on the ground by reaching out to all the beneficiaries in the ecosystem (Child-Parent-Teacher) with a micro perspective lens. Light Up culture is different from other organizations because of their practice of emotional intelligence and because they are highly value-centric. Their leadership team reflects empathy, compassion and unity.

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