URI Borborema

Overcoming religious intolerance, which unfortunately is spreading in our country and the world.
Our purpose is to strengthen dialogue and understanding between people of all religions in Borborema through education and other activities.
Christianity, Earth Based, Spirituality
Catholic, Espirita, Wiccan
Number of Members
Campina Grande, PB, Brazil
Joined URI Network

The city of Campina Grande is an example of peace building and intercultural dialogue because it hosts an annual event called New Consciousness Meeting, of which members of different URI Cooperation Circles participate. Local people who have been individually involved in the interfaith movement and peacebuilding have decided to form URI Borborema Cooperation Circle, and they are looking forward to expanding the interfaith activity to the entire year and all through Borborema Municipality. Their dream is to create a Municipal Interfaith Council. At this moment, members organize weekly encounters. At these encounters, members of each tradition help people of other religion to understand theirs. They record these presentations and testimonies and share so that the knowledge is passed to others that were not present. They are also getting ready to support the education of local teachers and professors in this dialogue, and other actions to expand the interfaith movement and peacebuilding.

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