URI Stories of Impact

Our community is working tirelessly to bring peace and justice in all areas of the world regardless of religion. Read stories straight from the organizers.

URI remains alarmed by the escalation of violence between Israel and Hamas & expresses grave concern for the civilians on the ground. 

Members of the Circle of Cooperation National Network of Agrarian Educators of Paraguay participated in the formation of a group together with members of the Armed Forces of Paraguay in Beekeeping.

Parents' mindset and engagement in the education of their children are paramount. Peace4Dalits Foundation CC has formed a parent's association to promote education among the Musahar community in Nepal. 

4685 Results

URI-Sierra Leone

Dear all, I am posting this article on behalf of Franklyn Koroma, the initiator of this URI youth group in Sierra Leone. He was a participant in the URI Young Leaders Program in Mayapur, where he...

Golden Rule Day - April 5th

Greetings of peace and blessing from Africa. WHEREAS, for thousands of years the GOLDEN RULE, which says "TREAT OTHERS THE WAY YOU WANT TO BE TREATED" has been affirmed in many religions, traditions, indigenous cultures and secular philosophies.