The Festival of Faiths

11 December 2011

Unity-and-Diversity…proclaims that the emerging global civilization is the great new era about which all religions have dreamed, that during this time life throughout the world will find new unity and significance, and that consequently all prophecies will in some sense be fulfilled.

The Fulfillment of Prophecy, World Scriptures Vol. 2, page 134

The original Festival of Faith was held at the Cow Palace in San Francisco at the tenth anniversary of the United Nations. The event was sponsored by a coalition of the faiths of the world and was an inspiring beginning for the U.N. sessions which followed in the city where the United Nations was born. 16,000 people took part in that event.

My wife Elizabeth and I had just come to Los Angeles that year, and we found ourselves helping to lead the Pomona Valley Committee that planned a similar event at Bridges Auditorium in April 1956. Our event brought together 2,000 people based just on the Festival of Faith itself.

Several times since those two events, other similar festivals of faith have been held in support of the United Nations and its important work, usually at one of the ten-year cycle of the U.N.’s coming to its birthplace: 20th, 30th, 40th,… The Unity-and-Diversity World Council (UDC) has sponsored two of those events on a much smaller scale.

Next Sunday afternoon, December 18th, the UDC will sponsor, with the participation of more than ten co-sponsors, a similar event, this time as a part of the Holy Day Season.

It will be held at the Village Church and Interfaith Center, 343 Church Lane, West Los Angeles (just off the San Diego Fwy. near UCLA). The keynote speakers will be Sheriff Leroy Baca of the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Dept., and Arin Ghosh, USC Transfer Merit Scholar and Youth Chair, U.N. Association, Pacific/LA Chapter.

Ten faith leaders will speak about a symbol of their faith that relates to peace and the deeper meaning of this Season. An interfaith candlelighting will be included, as well as music and meditation.

One of the most important purposes of the Festival of Faiths is to broaden the scope of the Holy Day Season to include all faiths and to celebrate the birth of the global civilization. A second purpose is to celebrate the role of the United Nations in helping to bring about a peaceful and sustainable civilization for planet earth. We cordially invite you to participate in this important event in preparation for the New Year.

Spirit is One; paths are many!!!