Great faith equals great confidence plus great commitment

4 March 2014

Great faith = great confidence + great commitment


For human beings faith can be a sparkling source of great strength, comfort and determination.

Under challenging circumstances our faith and wisdom traditions encourage us to persevere and keep  hope alive. We are guided to remain open, curious and interested in whatever will happen next. Spiritual teachings and practices train us to endure difficulties with an open heart and mind and with compassion, no matter what we encounter inside or outside ourselves. They encourage us to become and remain present.

Religious teachings also strengthen our belief in the fundamental goodness of all creation and a deeper purpose of life, wholeness beyond our personal state. Whatever the current situation may be, they affirm that there is a force of goodness and beauty in everything, a deeper meaning to life.

We are reminded that all life is interconnected. We are instructed to serve others as well as ourselves, for the wellbeing on the whole. Acknowledging the interconnectedness of all life also entails a deep necessity for us to be in communication: with our fellow humans, with our own selves, with nature, with all living beings. Eye to eye – heart to heart – soul to soul.

Various religious traditions teach us that all of humanity comes from the same source. Creation stories remind us that as human beings we are fundamentally alike: we have the same basic needs, necessities, feelings, hopes, disappointments and aspirations.

When we enter into real communication, and see the sacred in all and everything, this can unfold its own dynamics and strengthen our empathy and connection, in turn boosting our commitment.

Faith reminds us of the magic and paradox quality of life - of life’s beauty – in joy or sadness. It encourages us to endure, in hardship, difficulties and resistance; to practice gratefulness in any situation; and to share generously when we have goodness and bounty in our hands.

Great faith = great confidence + great commitment