Ahowan’s Amazing Announcement!

23 March 2014

Namaste, Aho, Aloha, Pura Vida, Shalom, 

AHOWAN goes to India! 

We are sharing our announcement and excitement for our coming year! As many of you know, MyShell, the spiritual leader, co-founder, and president, has been in India for the past three months. She spent 28 days at the Oneness University and 2 months volunteering at two Animal Ashrams (equal to rescue sanctuaries) in Lucknow, India; as well as two underprivileged children schools, one in Lucknow and one in Varanasi. 

Prior to leaving for India, the vision of the next year was not fully clear other than continuing MyShell's education and continuing to share the message of our Oneness with all of Nature. We knew it was time to step it up a level and this became clearly revealed in India. 

While working at these newly established Animal Ashrams, they not only need help, they WANT help with bettering their care for the Animals. At the same time, the children want to learn more in many, many ways, including compassion with the animals. Our Bigger Vision began unfolding before our eyes while there! 

This is what Spirit does when you are in the Flow!! (All this taking place in two months in Lucknow, India) 

  • Nightly meditations with Science of Mind discussions!  (Just imagine a Religious Science Study Group in India!! WOW!) YES we are doing it!! 

  • Private Spiritual Counseling sessions! and Energy Healing sessions! 

  • Bi-weekly teachings at a Hindi medium school. 

  • Working directly with the people everyday in feeling their Oneness with the Animals in order  to better the conditions for them. 

  • Oneness Blessings and Healing sessions for hundreds of Cows, Bulls, Horses, Dogs, Mules and of course....Humans   

  • A weekly "Spirituality with Animals" column in the local paper "Lucknow Tribune!" 

  • Our volunteer visa paperwork that normally takes 6 months to a year ,,,done in three weeks 

 SO ....AHOWAN is now launching off into India and our one way plane flight is already booked for May 8th!! 

Please see our Facebook postings/pictures coming soon on what MyShell has already began there, as well as links to the articles that she wrote! Stay posted! and listen to our sharing of ALL of this on WWW.WRRJ.ORG on March 23rd at 7:00 PM EST 

Animal Love Bless-wings, 

Myshell Howler RScP, OAC 

Dr Ronald Landau RN, MS, ND