Quinaroa Cooperation Circle organized an interfaith bicycle accompaniment of the Virgin Mary in Venezuela.

Some members from Quinaroa Cooperation Circle, in Trujillo, accompanied the procession of La Virgen de La Paz on a journey of more than 40 km through the city's main streets, as part of the celebration of Interreligious Harmony Week.
The La Virgen de La Paz tradition is predominantly practiced in the Catholic religión. However, this event organized by Quinaroa CC brought together participants from various religions and traditions like the Evangelical faith and Indigenous tradition who together took part in the procession.
The activity allowed sharing and promoting the cycling sport for all ages, from young people to older adults. At the end of the tour, a space was shared to talk about devotion to the Virgin of La Paz and the importance of unity in the diversity expressed and experienced among the members of CC Quinaroa.

The practice of cycling helps people not only to maintain a healthy body but also mentally and spiritually allowing them to be connected with nature. You can have conversations, and pleasant moments and talk with different people who, although with different faiths, are in search of their personal balance.
All participants are focused on working to make this world a more conscious, respectful, and harmonious space that preserves Mother Earth.
URI is working together with over 600 Cooperation Circles around the world focused on interfaith and intercultural dialogue to promote enduring, daily interfaith cooperation that embraces the uniqueness of each religious, indigenous, and faith tradition and the beauty and impact of cooperation, mutual understanding, dialogue, harmony, and co-existence amidst our diversity.