“Everyone can do something to make the world a better place. Music helps you heal your wounds and restores flavor to your lives. The music will never stop! Long live the music...” -- M. Thierry NDIMI, Founder Chairman, Association pour l'Egalité et le Bien-être (ASEBE) (Association for Equality and Well Being)
Music touches the hearts and minds of people, especially vulnerable children. Young residents at the St. Rita de Cascia Orphanage in Yaoundé, Cameroon, Central Africa enjoy classes in musical theory and practice.
Music as a healing art is part of an ongoing EDUCARE Program under the direction of Thierry NDIMI, founder of the Association for Equality and Well Being CC (ASEBE) and a well-known, professional concert pianist.
The ASEBE Association is globally recognized for its efforts towards sustainable growth in Cameroon and leading it toward fulfilling the goals of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Thierry has provided twelve years of volunteerism and social services working with global organizations like Greenpeace Africa, Strong Cities Network, YALI Network and many local associations.
Joining URI as a Cooperation Circle in May 2020, the ASEBE Foundation (www.asebe.cm) is made up of a group of young people wishing to positively impact their generation. They engage local communities in peacebuilding and uphold education as a basic human right with a focus on teaching children with special needs.
The water solidarity program called SHARE A SMILE carried out by ASEBE in partnership with TECHENERGY FOR AFRICA (TEFAe.v) has organized many extensive awareness raising campaigns on environmental and health issues, and recently provide a drinking water “borehole” (a deep well) in Taro’s Village in Cameroon.
In recent years, Cameroon has experienced a resurgence of conflicts, an unprecedented number of displaced people and expanded economic disparities. ASEBE builds technical and moral partnerships with like-minded groups. Their goal is contagious – “building a world free from terror and oppression.”
URI Cooperation Circles and like-minded organizations are invited to learn more about the ASEBE Foundation CC and support them in realizing the UN Sustainable Development Goals in order to contribute to a better world through education, health and music.