As part of the Youth Month challenge. Participants were tasked to write a letter of peace to either a local leader, community, a world leader, Mother Earth calling for peace and sharing how they are cultivating cultures of peace.
A letter from Angie Latif from Indonesia
The loudest scream of resistance could be seen through eloquent words.
To those sitting on the chairs of power,
“Bhinneka Tunggal Ika.”
“Unity in Diversity.”
Is Bhinneka Tunggal Ika represented through the hateful words spewed on social media in every cycle of regional or national elections, attacking religious groups based on the candidates’ background?
Does Bhinneka Tunggal Ika come through the form of attacking personal beliefs regardless of what political moves or criminal acts a person conducted?
Does Bhinneka Tunggal Ika need to be stained by the blasphemy of religions when only representing groups of people were involved in terrorism, criminal, or immoral acts?
Do we forget about Bhinneka Tunggal Ika every time a selfish interest needs to be defended?
Do we hide behind Bhinneka Tunggal Ika when we avoid the need to bridge differences?
The planting of a culture of peace is essential for Indonesia’s social harmony, and I urge the government to take a more collaborative role in cultivating peace at all levels of society. This includes addressing hate speeches online and offline, reducing the influence of political buzzers, and promoting religious tolerance.
To cultivate a culture of peace, we need to include positive, enduring, and sustainable peace in all levels of our societies. Implementing a culture of peace is not a project we can set a start and end date on. It takes a life-long exercise, a commitment to re-learning at every step.
May we all work together hand in hand, regardless of power, status, religions, gender, money, and interests.
Watering every seed of peace for our World to reap,
Tolerance is not enough; we must strive for acceptance and mutual respect.
-Abdurrahman Wahid
Simon Bikeke from Uganda wrote a letter to community leaders. It reads:
Dears Community, Cultures of peace are the societal cherished values that promote peaceful co-existence in the society based on values that uphold the need to respect and protect the human life.
These spell out the tenants entrenched in the societies that have enabled the communities to support each other and promote brotherhood and forgiveness irrespective of the community challenges. Using my journalist skills to document and share the importance of peaceful coexistence in our society irrespective of the tribe, religion, education, gender among other. Because where there is peace there is development and it takes a whole community to ensure sustainable peace in the communities.
Growing up in region with conflicts, I have seen the impact of no peace in the community and the cost the communities face due to challenges that come with these crashes in or society especially to the children and women. The world would thrive and enable sustainable growth and development with good indicators in health and better life expectancy. World leaders need to ensure fairness in the decisions that they take and how these impact on the peaceful existence of the societies.
Promote and respect the human rights of individuals and ensuring access to justice is spearheaded. World leaders need to invest in peace promotion programs and understand the interrelatedness of peace and other Sustainable Development Programs. Integrate peace in all Government programs and invest in building up the manpower, research and designing interventions to address the root causes of conflicts in the communities. Yours sincerely Bikeke Saimon Peace Lab

A letter to Mother Earth from Mangesh, India
Dear Mother Earth*, I bow my head before you as I look deeply and recognize that you are present in me and that I’m a part of you. You are the mother of all beings. Sometimes I forget.
Lost in the confusions and worries of daily life, I forget that my body is your body, and sometimes even forget that I have a body at all. Unaware of the presence of my body and the beautiful planet around me and within me, I’m unable to cherish and celebrate the precious gift of life you have given me.
Dear Mother, my deep wish is to wake up to the miracle of life. I promise to train myself to be present for myself, my life, and for you in every moment.
I know that my true presence is the best gift I can offer to you, the one I love. With this I want to say to the local leaders and community how we can come together and take care of this beautiful Nature that’s nothing accept from us we are the only one who wants more things We have to take care of the nature and we have to make awareness in the community Thank you so much whatever you have done for us so far
*Deep Gratitude* *Mangesh Pol* *Peace and Love Maker*

A letter from Musoki Rusia
I am writing to express my deep concern about two critical issues that affect both the people and the environment in our community—fostering peace and protecting the natural world that sustains us. As you know, peace within a community and the care for our environment are deeply interconnected, and the wellbeing of our children and future generations depends on how we address these issues today. Cultivating Peace in Our Community We have witnessed that conflict and social unrest often arise from poverty, lack of education, and competition for scarce resources. It is vital that as community leaders, we focus on creating programs that foster dialogue, promote education, and provide opportunities for all. By engaging youth and marginalized groups in peacebuilding efforts, we can ensure that everyone has a voice and a role to play in the development of our community.
This is especially important in addressing domestic violence, school dropouts, and other social challenges. Protecting Mother Earth Our natural environment, especially the river valleys and surrounding lands, is under increasing pressure due to deforestation, climate change, and unsustainable farming practices. As stewards of this land, it is our responsibility to protect it for future generations.
I urge the local leadership to take proactive measures to restore our environment by educating our community about sustainable practices, including maintaining buffer zones near rivers, reducing waste, and promoting the planting of trees such as bamboo to protect our waterways. By working together, we can create a harmonious balance between human needs and the health of our environment. Cultivating peace and protecting Mother Earth are the foundations for a prosperous and resilient community, and I trust that under your leadership, we can achieve these goals. I look forward to discussing these ideas further and exploring ways in which we can collaborate to ensure a peaceful and environmentally sustainable future for our community. Thank you for your leadership and dedication to our shared home.
Yours sincerely, Musoki Rusia
A letter from Bwambale Emmy
Mpodwe lubiriha Tc Bwera-kasese Uganda 6th. Sept. 2024 Dear my Local Leader, I am writing to you today with a heartfelt call for peace. In a world often marked by conflict and division, the need for cultivating cultures of peace has never been more pressing. To me, cultivating cultures of peace means fostering an environment where understanding, respect, and compassion are at the forefront of our interactions. It involves not only advocating for non-violence but also actively engaging in practices that promote social justice, equality, and environmental stewardship. It requires us to listen deeply to one another’s stories and experiences while recognizing our shared humanity. This can be achieved through community initiatives that encourage inclusivity, educational programs that teach conflict resolution skills, and grassroots movements that empower marginalized voices. In my own life, I strive to cultivate cultures of peace by volunteering in local organizations that support underrepresented communities. I participate in workshops focused on restorative justice and engage in dialogues aimed at bridging cultural divides. Let’s come together as stewards of peace, nurturing a world where every individual feels valued and heard. Together, we can create a legacy of harmony for future generations.
Sincerely, Bwambale Emmy Youth leader, Kasese Youth Peace Forum(KAYOPF)
A letter from Nelly Minja
The world calls for peace! Since the dawn of time, inter-community rivalries have constantly arisen, creating confused situations that threaten stability, cohesion and social peace. All over the world, brutality reigns. Salvation has become rare. We are drowning in cruelty.

Letter from Jibrin, Nigeria
Calling For Peace Letter
On behalf of the Organization above I am Writing to you this letter of CALL FOR PEACE The International Day of Peace will be commemorated on 21 September 2024, providing humanity with the opportunity to commit to Peace above all differences and to contribute to promoting a Culture of Peace with the theme Creating Cultures of Peace,"
The Frontiers For Peace provides the vision for an integrated, prosperous and peaceful in Our Community. And Cultivating a Cultures of peace means Fostering and Promoting an Environment where understanding, Respect each other in Peace Building.
Mean-while with specific impact on the youth. It is necessary to approach these challenges of peace with emphasis on the youth, especially with a focus on how they can be involved in preventing conflict and sustaining peace. It is therefore essential that all stakeholders and Community Members have a common well as enhance synergy, coordination, collaboration and complementary in programmers and
processes, So that to Promote Peace in our Community, the grassroots movements that empower marginalized voices.of the Community,not only to empower the youth but also to ensure their meaningful participation in the Peace Building Activities.
I am Amb Jibrin Muhammad Binji Calling Our Community Members to Cultivate the Culture Of Peace by keeping Volunteetinng in our Community,I want to use this Opportunity to organize a Town Hall Meeting in Promoting Peace, and Media Pearly. As well as interactive question and answer sessions
The above organization, once again, wishes Nigeria and the Global community, Happy and memorable International Peace Day celebrations!
Thank you all.
Amb jibrin Muhammad Binji
Letter from Anthonia, Nigeria
Dear World,
Subject: An Urgent Call for Peace
My name is Anthonia Folashade, Lawal. I work with Building Blocks for Peace Foundation,
Nigeria. I am a passionate development practitioner with years of progressive engagement and
experience in peacebuilding, women and youth inclusion, accountability governance and human
On the occasion of this 2024 International Day of Peace, I am writing to share with you the
situation of things in the biosphere, what Cultivating Cultures of Peace means to me, how I am
Cultivating Cultures of Peace in my local community, and why Now is the best time for peace
There is an uproar in the geopolitical systems of the world, conflicts are becoming long overdue,
eku o ke bi eku mo, eye o si ke bi eye mo (which literally translates as rats are no longer crying
like they should, birds are no longer singing as they should. Connotatively; there is a need for
I understand that culture is the way of life of people while peace to me, means happiness, no war, no conflict, joy, and smiles. Hence, Cultivating Cultures of Peace implies exhibiting behaviours and lifestyles that do not give room for violence/conflict of any kind, but allows for dialogue and negotiation, thereby promoting sustainable peace.
Here are some ways I am Cultivating Cultures of Peace in my local community. I am:
- Preaching the ‘Gospel of Peace’ at every opportunity
- Treating others as I wish to be treated
- Stretching out a helping hand to the vulnerable groups
- Advocating for the inclusion of women and youth in the development of the society
- Educating and mentoring the next generations Peace Ambassadors
- Sensitising members of my community on why there is a need to embrace diversity, unity, and togetherness as these values are essential tools for peace and peaceful coexistence in every given society.
Without further ado, I would like to let you know that Now is the best time for every human
existing in your care to come together and embrace and also Cultivate Cultures of Peace
There is an urgent need for respect for life, human rights, democracy, tolerance, cooperation, and fundamental freedoms.
All God’s creatures near and far should come together to dialogue, show some forms of
solidarity, commit to peaceful settlement of conflict, adhere to freedom and understanding at all
I look forward to seeing you spur every humanity to Cultivating Cultures of Peace while also
considering my local actions significant to the development of the world especially for peaceful
co-existence among peoples of diverse cultures, even as I pledge to continually give in my best
to make you (the world) a better and safer space for all and sundry.
Thank you and warm regards.
Yours in Peace,
A letter from Romina, Argentina
A quienes lideran y guían nuestros paises,
La paz mundial debe ser nuestra prioridad, es una necesidad. Les ruego que sus decisiones y políticas se centren en la promoción de la justicia, comprension y solidaridad, en lugar de promover la confrontación. Un futuro pacífico es posible si trabajamos unidos hacia ese objetivo.
Y a nosotros como poblacion les quiero decir que cada pequeño gesto hacia la paz cuenta y juntos podemos lograr un mundo donde todos vivamos en armonía.
Con esperanza, Romina
To those who lead and guide our countries,
World peace must be our priority, it is a necessity. I ask that your decisions and policies focus on promoting justice, understanding and solidarity, rather than promoting confrontation. A peaceful future is possible if we work together towards that goal.
And to us as a population I want to say that every small gesture towards peace counts and together we can achieve a world where we all live in harmony.
With hope, Romina

Letter from Fadwa Faqeer, from Jordan
Dear Sir,
This is my letter to you in which I would like to share my thoughts and beliefs regarding the culture
of peace.
"As defined by the United Nations, the Culture of Peace is a set of values, attitudes, modes of behaviour and ways of life that reject violence and prevent conflicts by tackling their root causes to solve problems through dialogue and negotiation among individuals, groups and nations."
The situation in our region is far away from peace. I wish always to participate with other people who are interested in this culture and put our efforts togather to create a peaceful region.
Wishing that you my master can push the situation around us into peace and that you could evoke dialogue instead of violence.
Yours Sincerely,
Fadwa Faqeer