
Interfaith Spiritual Care

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Endorsed by the Society for Intercultural Pastoral Care and Counseling, this book explores the dynamics of interfaith spiritual care as a work of practical and pastoral theology, identifies reliable guidelines for competent practice and contextualized interfaith spiritual care, and invites further conversation and collaboration among practitioners and scholars

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Interfaith Spiritual Care: Understandings and Practices (Pandora Press) By Daniel S. Schipani and Leah Dawn Bueckert. Endorsed by the Society for Intercultural Pastoral Care and Counseling, this book explores the dynamics of interfaith spiritual care as a work of practical and pastoral theology, identifies reliable guidelines for competent practice and contextualized interfaith spiritual care, and invites further conversation and collaboration among practitioners and scholars. This book is intended for chaplains, pastors, Clinical Pastoral Education students, and other caregivers such as counselors and psychotherapists, both in training and already in practice. Together with Muslim colleague Mualla Kaya and educationalist Bart ten Broek, Ari Van Buuren, leader of URI NL CC, contributed an essay in this book about interfaith spiritual care in the Netherlands, URI, and the Golden Rule.

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Books/Other Publications