Building Better Society (BBS) is a newly founded, non-governmental organization that was established in September 2016 by persons from various circles; academicians, peace practitioners, humanitarians, social trainers, education expert and community development experts, with the aim to promote sustainable peace and socio-economic sectors development in Myanmar. The organization is currently based in Sittwe, Rakhine state to focus on communal conflict intervention and to promote the role of CSOs in the peace process between conflicting communities. BBS runs three main programs: a Peace Building Program, a Community Building Program and a Relief and Rehabilitation Program. Through these activities, BBS members intend to influence community members to accept the differences and to enjoy the fact that diversity is interesting in Myanmar, a country of diverse ethnic people and religions suffering interfaith and religious conflict. Because the root cause of this conflict is the religious discrimination, and the conflict misses the understanding that exists among diverse faiths and other identity issues, the bridge-building work this Cooperation Circle is doing is very much needed, especially among young people.