IIFAST EU looks forward to mitigating aggression and violence in the world, harmonizing relations with oneself, with others, with the world, and with God by educating people to cooperate with each other for the benefit of the entire world. Through its program, IIFAST EU is raising people's consciousness, improving the quality of participants’ lives, and growing the spiritual education of people, so that they become more tolerant, humble, generous, grateful, and ultimately able to change not only themselves, but also to help change the world for the better.
IIFAST EU is teaching people spiritual methods of solving material problems in different areas, organizing interfaith dialogues, and conducting festivals, seminars, retreats, and pilgrimages to the holy sites. It runs youth programs, like the educational project "New Era Leader" for young people who want to live intelligent life and change themselves and the world for the better. It designed the social project "No More Strangers," which is aimed at supporting people in difficult situations and mutually helping each other.
IIFAST EU is the European branch of Global IIFAST.