The small town of Nthora in the district of Karonga, Malawi, is very close to the northern shores of Lake Malawi. Because this area in Malawi does not enjoy the higher tourism profile, resources are scarce and the constant fight for survival is tougher than in many other areas. Mining operations in recent years have not helped the environmental issues that besiege any poverty-stricken community.
This Cooperation Circle (CC) is proactive and determined to make a difference for future generations. Although they do not feel well equipped in terms of their knowledge, they are very keen to join the global family and to minimize the effects of their geographic isolation from the world. Their initiatives of trying to teach skills to prisoners so that, once released, they can become contributing and useful members of society, speaks volumes for the level of social consciousness under this warm-hearted leader. They are strong in providing skills training so that youth, who have minimal access to further education once they leave school, can at least look to the future with some kind of hope in their hearts and in their eyes. This will lead ultimately to a vastly decreased prison population because the roots of criminal activity lie often in the hopelessness and frustration of untenable situations.