URI of Greater Baltimore

Sharing our own stories from diverse religions and spiritual expressions, local grassroots involvement and educational programs
“Our purpose is to promote peace, justice, healing, and interfaith cooperation in the city of Baltimore.”
Christianity, Buddhism, Unitarian Universalist, Baha'i, Judaism, Islam
Episcopal, Christian Scientist, Buddhist, Catholic, Baptist
Number of Members
Arbutus, MD, United States of America
Joined URI Network

URI of Greater Baltimore Cooperation Circle (CC) meets on the third Tuesday of every month for fellowship, and then have a special program. The individual, interfaith relationships that develop as well as the opportunity to learn about and appreciate the religious orientations of others are very valuable. CC members emphasize the search to understand the similarities and differences between other religions and one's own, especially in terms of the distinctions between eternal beliefs vs. cultural beliefs as well as the essence of a religion vs. erroneous expressions of the religion. They also coordinate monthly mailings to promote our next meeting, summarize the last meeting and announce related news.

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