Rights and Responsibilities of URI Members

As a URI Cooperation Circle, we have the right:

  1. To organize in any manner and around any issue or activity which is relevant to and consistent with the Preamble, Purpose and Principles;

  2. To determine our own process of governance and decision-making that is in accordance with the Preamble, Purpose and Principles;

  3. To choose to combine with or join any other URI Circles;

  4. To participate in the selection of Trustees to serve on the Global Council;

  5. To use the name “United Religions Initiative” and its related names, abbreviations, logos, and images so long as they are used in furtherance of and in accordance with the Preamble, Purpose and Principles of the URI;

  6. To invite and accept additional individuals, groups or organizations to become members of the CC.

As a Cooperation Circle we accept the responsibility:

  1. To act in accordance with the Preamble, Purpose and Principles;
  2. To determine our own process of governance and decision-making that is in accordance with the Preamble, Purpose and Principles;
  3. To take actions to encourage and ensure that our own members act in accordance with the Preamble, Purpose and Principles;
  4. To actively use our best efforts to achieve the Purpose in accordance with the Principles;
  5. To adhere to the by-laws and operating procedures as they evolve in the life of the URI;
  6. To communicate best practices, stories and highlights of activities with other parts of the URI;
  7. To develop financial resources to meet our own needs;
  8. To share financial and other resources to help meet the needs of other Circles;
  9. To keep accurate and current records of our members, financial transactions and activities;
  10. To indemnify and hold the Trustees, the United Religions Initiative, its employees and representatives, harmless from any liabilities arising out of or in any way caused by a URI Circle’s breach of any provision of the Articles, by-laws or operating procedures.