The Torah scrolls contain the Jewish bible.
This nine-branched candlestick is a special kind of menorah used during Hanukkah, the festival of lights.
In Judaism, justice is held in high respect. These are the scales of justice.
The Jewish house of worship is called a temple. During Rosh Hashanah, the shofar, or ram’s horn, is blown to remind people to prepare themselves to lead better lives.
Many Jewish mean wear a skull cap or kippah when praying. Some wear it all the time. It is a sign of being in the presence of God.
God gave Moses the Ten Commandments on tablets of stone to pass on to the Israelites.
This plate contains the ritual foods that are part of the seder meal, an important ceremony on the first night of Passover celebrating the escape of the Israelites from slavery in Egypt. The egg symbolizes a new beginning. The roasted lamb bone is a reminder that God told the Israelites to put blood on their doorpost so that the angel of death would “pass over” their home. The horseradish, which tastes bitter, is a reminder of the Jewish people’s time in slavery. The salt water symbolizes tears.
The Tallit, or prayer shawl, is used in worship. The fringe on the shawl reminds Jewish people to obey God’s law.
The six-pointed Star of David is an important Jewish symbol said to be from the shield of King David, the Israelite king who established Jerusalem as the capital city of the Israelites.