God is One

26 December 2015

The English word ‘Religion’ comes from the Latin word ‘Religio’, which makes a debate forever. The ancient Romans like Cicero thought that the word ‘Religio’ derived from the word ‘Religere’ in it sense of ‘to re-read or to go over a text’. In the fourth century, the Christian writer Lactancius refers the verb religire as “to fasten or to bind”. In his book ‘Divinae Institutiones’, he acclaimed that the human being are tied to God and bound to him by the bond of piety. Lactantius’s greater contemporary, Augustine, preferred this etymology to Cicero’s while suggesting yet another possibility: re-eligere, “to choose again,” religion being the recovery of the link with God that sin has sundered.

On the other hand, the Bengali word ‘Dharma’ has been derived from the Sanskrit verb ‘Dhree’ means ‘to hold, to comprehend, to assume, to take on etc’. This is not too far in meaning with the word Religion. Again the Bengali word ‘Dharma’ means characteristics of something in material sense. In this sense, a thing can be described by its ‘Dharma’. Human being is the latest episode of the evolution process which started from the material world. So, the human being can be described by its ‘Dharma’. But the reality tastes sour. There are many ‘Dharma’ seen in this world for mankind. Is it true? I thought so. But Someone attracts me! Some text turns my ways of thinking! “Religion is the science of being and becoming”. Yes, it’s true both for material and living being, for human and other beings, for Hinduism and others too.

He said in His book ‘Satyanusaran-the Pursuit of truth’, ‘Dharma never becomes many. It is always one. There is no variety of it. Views may be many even as many as there are people. Still, Dharma cannot be many. In my opinion, to speak of Hindu Dharma, Christian Dharma, Mohammedan Dharma, Buddhist Dharma, etc. is wrong; rather, they are so many views. In fact, there is no opposition in the views?different views, the same way feeling One in many forms. Each faith is for the expansion of avowed activity. That can be in many forms and as much as is gained by the expansion, so much the realization wisdom. So Dharma is based upon realization to be ‘real’ in nature.’ And he is ‘Sree Sree Thakur Anukul Chandra’, Fulfiller the Best of the Era.

So, the One is the ever target for all. We, all are the son or part of the father, the Supreme, the Almighty. So Proselytizing is not admitted in Sri Sri Thakur’s vocabulary. Every real Hindu is same to every real Muslim, real Christian, real Buddhist, real Shikh and so on. No more today.