Promoting Gender Equality in Jinnah Colony

30 March 2016
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International Women’s Day 2015 Report

Women from Jinnah Colony, Chak 92 NB Sargodha, know that their day is only to cook, collect twigs for cooking, and also collect fodder for animals. Those women who do not have animals, after collecting twigs, make rope or other handmade articles in order to sell them and make money for their families.

However, with our contact, they have become more aware and have started sending their children to school. Women have expressed interest in learning cutting and stitching. After seeing their interest in learning new skills, we have prepared them to stand on their own feet and, on a self-help basis, to make their own decisions. We have given them human rights education. They have learned that they can make decisions.

So, they have collectively made decisions to start a sewing school. While they were in the process of making the decision for a sewing school, it was time to celebrate International Women’s Day 2015. So, we had a banner made saying “Planet 50-50 by 2030: Step It Up for Gender Equality”.

On this day, about 40 women came along with at least 30 children. As usual, we continued making them understand what gender equality is: How a mother can create gender equality in her home, how she herself can be equal in the house, and promote gender equality among other women in her house. They were made to understand that they can enjoy gender equality on the basis of mutual respect and equality.

Then they were give time for discussion and sharing their perspectives on equality, life experience, and ambition for equality with dignity and respect. This was a wonderful opportunity for them to share their personal life experiences and mutual learning. Some shared the need for change, and others felt change is impossible because of the cultural taboos. Another group of them felt that they should say no to discrimination and yes to small efforts in order to make a dent in the discriminatory culture. The local leaders encouraged women to continue peaceful efforts for change and gender equality.

Naveed Bhatti

Project Coordinator

Ezaz-e-Niswan Development Organization (EDO)

Sargodha - Pakistan

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