URI Brazil is involved in a campaign. Its objective is to bring food to 40 million Brazilians for three months.

A Campaign and a Religious Pact AGAINST HUNGER AND FOR LIFE:
Can this be an inspiration to other countries?
URI Brasil is participating in a campaign whose objective is to bring food to 40 million Brazilians for three months: CHALLENGE 10x10.
Edgard Gouveia Júnior is the creator of the campaign. He graduated in architecture and he was also a professional volleyball player (he's a good man and 2m tall!). For 35 years, he has dedicated himself to mobilizing communities to transform spaces, hearts and minds. He is an expert in cooperative games, known in some parts of the world, and organized an online contest where one can choose a 'passion' of 12 and donate to this cause.
URI focused on a "passion" of FAITH and SPIRITUALITY and sought out the most expressive religious person in the country to lend their image and credibility to the campaign.
In an event organized by URI, with the collaboration of another religious entity, MOGAUMA (Global Movement of Self-Knowledge and Mutual Aid), after listening to the explanations of the UN World Food Program (WFP) about the terrible famine that will plague Brazil and to the world, more than 60 religious and members of some entities supported an inter-religious pact to create conditions to feed and generate jobs and incomes for the populations most affected by the effects of the COVID- 19 pandemic.
We invite you to read the document:
Humanity has received a wonderful gift: the gift of being aware of our lives, of our role in the realm of creation, of our responsibility to ourselves and to all living creatures.
This awareness becomes more important now, when we live in a time of acute crisis caused by the pandemic. More than ever, we need all religious traditions to unite in a National Action against Hunger and for Life.
All I have left is: you can't miss. It is time to guarantee the bread that nourishes our sisters and brothers, an essential element so that we human beings can exercise our humanity to the fullest.
We, the various traditions and religious partners, declare our commitment not to leave anyone behind. We unite in this National Action to share all our knowledge, all our resources, all our prayers and vibrations to minimize human suffering, the environment and everything that is alive, breathes and beats.
As urgent actions, we commit to revive the committees and all possible structures of our spaces to allow actions to combat hunger and develop tools for a sustainable and caring economy.
We declare our maximum disposition and commitment to spread, integrate and offer the best and most efficient solidarity practices ever developed and, in this exchange of experiences, to improve the common good.
The call is for us to do our best together, for each other and for all of us.
Join us in this action against hunger and for life.
Salette Aquino, member of the URI Global Council
Brasilia, DF - July 14, 2020.