The First Prayer Meeting for Christian Unity

31 May 2021
Photo: People from the CC posing to photo.

Dear friends, peace and good. Today is a great day of joy and jubilation since with my lifelong neighbor Celia Primorak (focolare movement) and with the company and guidance of our priest Father Daniel Segovia we were able to perform for the first time, in the city de Tres Isletas "The first prayer meeting for Christian unity", together with the pastors, representatives of the different churches in our city. It was a moment of great grace and joy in the Spirit. We all prayed together, each one respecting our identity and thus uniting with all our brothers in this week of prayer that in the southern hemisphere takes place after Pentecost Sunday. Thus recounts her experience, the neighbor invited by Mauricio, a member of the Constructores de Puentes CC, “I was invited by a neighbor of my town, a catechist and member of the initiative to carry out an action in the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. We approached the representative of the Slavic Church with this intention and he connected us with other representatives of the Council of Pastors of the locality ”. For our part, we invited the priest of our Parish and it was to himself that on Saturday May 29, 8 people from different Christian denominations, gathered in the central square of our town, held a deep moment of prayer, respecting the religious identity of each one . We have prayed together for unity and for an end to the pandemic. We give thanks to God.