URI Peacebuilders Call for Peace in Nigeria

19 July 2021

During a time of terrible unrest, kidnappings, shootings, protests, and a worsening security situation throughout the country, this URI member group in Nigeria is speaking out for peace.

Interfaith Mediation Centre, a URI member group in Kaduna, Nigeria, is in the news for their peacebuilding efforts to hold people together as tensions escalate and a wave of violence and crime sweeps the nation. The Co-Executive Directors of IMC, Pastor James Wuye and Imam Muhammad Ashafa, made a call for unity and peace while addressing a press conference on Saturday.

“We implore leaders to explore our rich and diverse potentials and think of strategies that will lead to transformation and development.’’

Pastor James Wuye and Imam Muhammad Ashafa have gained publicity throughout the world for their inspiring story. Read more about their journey from being former enemies in a deadly conflict (that cost Pastor Wuye his right hand) to joining their voices for interfaith peace. Now, they urge their fellow Nigerians to exercise the same restraint and empathy that fueled their own remarkable transformation. Their goal is to create a united, progressive country where all Nigerians will have a sense of belonging.

Even in the midst of seemingly hopeless situations, URI peacebuilders shine as examples and inspiration for those who would choose the path of peace. With enough voices joined together, even the mightiest tide can turn.