Meeting the Brazilian CCs and Meeting new Groups! CC Curitiba

26 February 2023
Global trustee of Latin America and the Caribbean  visits Brazilian CC in Curitiba


There were four events, two of which were the organization of LUIZ OMAR SABÓIA, founding member of CC Curitiba since 2004, with the collaboration of MARIA ANGÉLICA CHAGAS:

In addition to Salette Aquino, Luiz Omar and Maria Angélica, were present: JOSELI ELOY (Spiritualist), PAULO THARCICIO (Umbanda) and MERCEDES P. PARUCKER (Ordem Rosa Cruz),  which has been so much since  the beginning of the creation of the Uri Cooperation Circle of Curitiba. After all present shared about their religious belonging and how they were in the interreligious movement, Salette Aquino recalled the creation of the URI in the world.  Luiz Omar recalled the beginning of URI in Curitiba: the idea was brought by Rodrigo Rocha Loures, who together with Prof. Ulisséas (in memoriam), Director of FIES – Faculdades Integradas Espirita, metthere with a group coordinated by Raul Jacobo Albala - Yaco. From this group came the Circle of Cooperation in 2004. There was a period of pause and in 2007 there were 12 representations of institutions religious and and spiritualists and  the Group of Invocation of the Power of Peace was created, to share the faith in its different expressions. Since then the group has grown – it now has almost 60 participating institutions – and meets as CREUNI PR - Casa das Religiões Unidas Paraná. There have been more than 120 meetings held in the different institutions, creating among the participants a climate of fraternity and harmony.