DRC Peacebuilding Interreligious Dialogue CC

Working together for the restoration of everlasting peace and true reconciliation in eastern part of DRC
To bring together religious leaders to build peace and reconciliation in the Democratic Republic of Congo
Number of Members
Great Lakes
Bunia, Ituri, Democratic Republic of the Congo
Joined URI Network

The organization is formed of 10 members coming from three main religions: Christians (Anglican, Roman Catholic, Orthodox et Pentecostal); Muslim (Shiit and Sunit), Indigenous (Kimbaguist from Congolese Prophet Simon Kimbangu).
Members meet, though informally through ecumenical activities, mostly organizing ecumenical prayers for Peace in eastern DRC . On the 29th July this year they visited together the Diango Cantonment Camp of demobilized young men and women from armed groups awaiting to be reintegrated in communities.


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