Visit to AUDIR CC in Barcelona

21 November 2022
Audir CC Visit

Lejla Hasandedic-Dapo, URI Europe CC Liaison Officer & URI Individual Membership Coordinator, after participating in the 4th European Policy Dialogue Forum on Refugees and Migrants, visited representatives of AUDIR CC in Barcelona.

Associació UNESCO per al Diàleg Interreligiós (AUDIR) is located in Barcelona, Spain. The CC brings together approximately one hundred people from more than ten different religious traditions through activities that promote knowledge, dialogue, and cooperation among the various religious groups in Catalunya. They organize exhibitions, gatherings, conferences, workshops, and training about different aspects of pluralism and interfaith dialogue. AUDIR works for peace, justice, and healing and builds essential bridges in the community and beyond.

They joined the URI Europe family in 2000 as one of the URI Europe founding members, and their purpose is "To bring together experts from various religious and cultural traditions; to promote attitudes of mutual understanding and cooperation; to organize studies about the various religious traditions, and to facilitate the enculturation of religious traditions."

During her visit to AUDIR CC, Lejla had the chance to meet with Sergio Arevalo, AUDIR Codirector; Jaume de Marcos, URI Europe Vice-president, URI Global Council Trustee and AUDIR CC member; Elisabet Attar Lheure AUDIR CC member, Former URI Global Council Trustee and Former URI Europe Board member; and Francesc Torradeflot, Former director of AUDIR.

 During the meeting, they discussed current AUDIR and URI Europe projects and activities, a collaboration between AUDIR and other CCs, and future plans.

To learn more about the great work of AUDIR CC, please visit their website.