Some of the donations gathered and distributed by URI members during the COVID-19 pandemic.
See more photos in the PDF file above.
URI Pakistan organized a Zoom video meeting with URI Passion MCC Lahore, Pakistan.
I would like to share that on 4th June, 2020, URI Pakistan organized a Zoom call meeting with URI Passion MCC Lahore, Pakistan. In the latest situation of COVID-19 in Pakistan, we are working with URI Cooperation Circles (member groups) on Zoom online meetings. URI Pakistan is working with 65 Cooperation Circles and they are promoting peace and interfaith harmony among the people of different religions in Pakistan. Along with the world, Pakistan is also facing the problem of COVID-19 and the Government Ministry of Planning has estimated has 12.3 million to 18.5 million people will become jobless due to the pandemic.
In this situation, URI Cooperation Circles (CCs) are working for needy and poor communities.
They distributed food items to more than 1000 families. They also distributed masks, gloves and sanitizers to people for safety.
Interfaith religious leaders also came on the Zoom call and they said that if we can’t go to a church, mosque or temple, we can pray or worship at home with our families. God shall hear us. “We, the people of all faiths, should pray to God to save us from this plague."
Now in Pakistan, we have 89,249 confirmed cases of COVID-19.
This is an alarming situation in Pakistan because cases are increasing day by day. Because of that, we are avoiding gathering and we are using technology like Zoom online video calls with Cooperation Circle Coordinators in Pakistan.
Mr. Asher Nazir, Executive Secretary of URI Pakistan, warmly welcomed all Passion MCC members including: Mr. Akhtar Murad, Coordinator of Passion MCC Lahore; Mr. Aqeel Khan, Coordinator of A Better Community for All Pakistan; Ch. Barkat Masih, Coordinator of Bhatta Brick Kiln Labourers Welfare Organization; Mr. Shahbaz Khan, Coordinator of Tehreek Taraque E Insaniat; Mr. Francis Xavier, Coordinator of Women and Children Development Program; Dr. Marcus Fida, Coordinator of Global Mission Awareness; Mr. Asher Nazir, Coordinator of COPE Pakistan; and Mr. Aslam Zahid, Coordinator of Paras Welfare Foundation. After the prayer of Mr. Francis Xavier, all the MCC members shared the latest update about CCs and they said that we are happy to see everyone on Zoom video call and with the grace of Lord we are safe from COVID-19 and working with devotion and commitment according to URI PPPs in Pakistan.
We are people of peace and we have a spirit of Love that loves everyone without of any difference of color, race, culture or religion. The CC coordinators talked about how we are facing many challenges by the reason of COVID-19 and impacts of COVID-19 we see on economic, education, business and all levels of life. So we hope that with our interfaith prayers, everything will be better in coming days.
Please visit this video link also about the food distribution of Faiz Resource Foundation URI CC Lahore. Pakistan.
In that Zoom call meeting, we discussed the reflection of Mr. Victor H. Kaznjian. Jr Executive Director URI about the killing of George Floyd, the latest victim of racist violence against persons of color in the United States. George Floyd is a fellow human being begging for help as he is being murdered by a police officer breaking his vow to protect and serve, and I consider all the injustice that poisons our beautiful world. I feel sick, I feel angry, and I feel a deep sadness. May heart breaks and my soul aches for the ways in which human beings so often choose to inflict suffering and pain on one another and on our planet rather that offering love and compassion. This is choice made by every person in every moment.
Will I choose to act from fear and see the other as a threat, or will I act from love and see the other as sister and brother? That is our choice, always.
URI’s Charter is clear on this choice. We choose love, we choose compassion, we choose non-violence, we choose equality. And we choose to dedicate our lives to creating culture of peace, justice and healing for the Earth and living beings.
All Cooperation Circles agreed that weeping is not enough and now the time to act from different levels. We should play an effective role to stand against racism and all its aspects.
We planned that we will celebrate the 20th Anniversary of URI on Zoom and we decided, with the suggestions of CC coordinators, that we will avoid physical gathering but we can use Zoom video on 26th June, 2020 and together we will celebrate the 20th Anniversary of URI.
In peace,
Asher Nazir
Executive Secretary, URI Pakistan
Coordinator, COPE Pakistan CC