The International Day of Peace is designated by the UN as a day devoted to strengthening the ideals of peace, both within and among all nations and peoples. The global URI community comes together to celebrate this occasion in many ways every year.

International Day of Peace and URI
Established by the United Nations General Assembly in 1981, the International Day of Peace – "IDP" or “Peace Day” – was declared as a day devoted to strengthening the ideals of peace, both within and among all nations and peoples. URI has been a proud partner of the International Day of Peace since our network's inception in 2000.
2024 International Day of Peace Activities
The theme for the 2024 International Day of Peace is: Cultures of Peace. It is a push for us to recognize how our individual and collective actions can affect and foster global peace.
Social Media
As you publish your events in social media, we encourage you to use any or all of the hashtags below to connect to the overall campaigns:
#URI #URI4Peace #URIactions4Peace - for URI social media channels
#Global Goals - for the UN social media channels.
URI CC or Individual Member Participation
Every year, URI, URI Cooperation Circles, and Individual Members participate in IDP observations marked by various activities and events ranging from peace walks to concerts, as well as art showcases, community outreach, and peace education programs.
You are invited to share a CC event for September 21 click here to fill out a short form and be added to URI's 2023 event listing.
Past Activities for International Day of Peace from the URI community:
- URI and the UN's International Day of Peace - 2023
- URI and the UN's International Day of Peace - 2022
- URI and the UN's International Day of Peace - 2021
- URI and the UN's International Day of Peace - 2020
- URI and the UN's International Day of Peace - 2019
- URI and the UN's International Day of Peace - 2018
- Previous URI and the UN's International Day of Peace
Spotlighting efforts in Yemen