Southeast Asia and the Pacific

Southeast Asia and the Pacific Region - peace amongst regional conflict

URI member groups are present in the following countries in the Southeast Asia and the Pacific (SEAPac) region:

  • The Philippines - Send an email to the URI staff in the Philippines
  • SEAPac Pacific Zone - Send an email to the URI staff in the SEAPac Pacific Zone
    • Australia
    • New Zealand
  • ​​​SEAPac West Zone - Send an email to the URI staff in the SEAPac West Zone 
    • Cambodia
    • Indonesia
    • Malaysia
    • Myanmar
    • Thailand
Search for Cooperation Circles (CCs) in Southeast Asia and the Pacific

Stories From URI Southeast Asia and the Pacific

The way of peace

I’ve heard veteran peace activists speak of peacebuilding as a “marathon endeavor” that required conviction, perseverance, and a marathon mentality. Indeed, that is true. But, after having engaged myself in the journey for almost twelve years, I have learned that there are other things about peacebuilding as well that, from another perspective, would likewise be true.

Being Change

It is a pleasure and privilege to share insights and reflections with you on the lessons learned from my endeavors at building relationships of mutual respect, understanding and cooperation between and among peoples of diverse cultures and beliefs in my part of the world. One of the most powerful moving force for me in the endeavor is the vision of a better world that the URI--with its global community of people of diverse religions, spiritual expressions, and indigenous traditions--has ingited in me.  In striving to "be the change that I wish to see", I have gained lessons learned that I wish to humbly share here with you.