Hope in Life Foundation

Women across different countries and continents standing united and determined to end domestic violence
"Our purpose is to empower women through sharing, training and education to end domestic violence."
Action Areas
Hinduism, Islam, Jainism
Number of Members
Irvine, CA, United States of America
Joined URI Network

This US-based Cooperation Circle (CC) is comprised of members from different parts of the world working hard to end violence against women. Although many live far apart, each individual acts as an ambassador of peace and love within their respective communities. Circle members, many of whom are based in California, meet to discuss domestic violence with leaders and female victims of abuse in their communities, several hosting speaking events in public schools. During phone and in-person meetings they learn about the socioeconomic conditions of women in different parts of the world. The Circle also works with children to instill values of respect and love, encouraging the participation of men and recognizing them as part of the solution. As a result of these efforts, Hope in Life hopes to create heightened awareness in real and virtual communities about the causes and effects of domestic violence and how to avoid it in a domestic partnership. Increased participation from men, women and children on how to proactively tackle issues related to violence is also expected. The organization’s website, hopeinlifefoundation.org, posts research to share about the seriousness of this issue.


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URI Stories of Impact

Hindus and Muslims come together through poetry and verse

Jul 18, 2017. On August 13 Multiregion CC Hope in Life hosts an interfaith event in which Hindus and Muslims are brought together under one roof, linked together through Kazi Nazrul Islam's poetic compositions and Tagore's verses. 

Art Camp for Prisoners in India

Jan 23, 2017. On January 20, 2017, inmates from several prisons of Kolkata, India got together for an all day Art Camp at Mohor Kunj. 

URI Network in Action

Apr 10, 2016. The URI network in action: Yogi Deva Raj of Atma Darsana Yoga CC in Bangalore, India, recently visited Hope In Life Foundation (a URI Multi-Region Cooperation Circle based in California, USA). This is one example of the inspiration and collaboration that can occur as members of the URI family continue to strengthen the global network.