Cooperation Circles

A URI Cooperation Circle is a self-organizing group of at least seven members who follow three or more faith traditions - including atheists agnostics and humanists - taking any kind of action to create cultures of peace, justice, and healing

Learn how to become a Cooperation Circle.

79 Results


BARAZA's international team provides a global platform for transcultural and interfaith dialogue. We believe in ideals of Acceptance, Understanding, and Coexistence. Supported by our network of knowledgeable experts, we invest in education, we create real-world encounters, and we build thriving partnerships.

Building Blocks for Peace Foundation

Building Blocks for Peace Foundation is a youth led nongovernmental organization working towards the achievement of a society where there is peace, justice, human rights and meaningful inclusion and engagement of young people.

Confederated Descendants of Rajah Mamalu Inc. CC

"Our purpose is to empower indigenous peoples (IPs) in advancing their rights and welfare; To participate in building and raising the awareness and understanding of IPs roles; To develop IPs-related research and policies, and to promote the indigenous political structure or customary governance system."

Cultural Educational and Environmental Organization - CEEO India

CEEOIndia is a non-profit organization working as a bridge between people and government for their empowerment and livelihood, focusing on national integration and communal harmony with their main thrust being economic, social and environmental development.

Dubai Interfaith Cooperation

Dubai Interfaith Cooperation pledges to love and respect everyone in the world irrespective of one’s religion, cast, creed, sect, color, ethnicity, language, gender, nationality and any other difference.

Global Mission Awareness CC

"Our purpose: to create interfaith harmony among religions for human development; to promote a culture of peace, human rights and justice; to celebrate the International Day of Peace, Interfaith Harmony Week Environment/Earth Day, International Women's Day, Mother's Day and Father's Day; to provide formal education to underprivileged communities; to provide technical skills, vocational training for women and girls, and computer skills for the youth and oppressed communities; to open a Music Academy and College for Youth; to design projects for poverty alleviation; and to start a TV program for promoting religious harmony and broadcasting peace and religious events and festivals."


Our vision is a world where every individual feels valued, connected and fully expressed within a unified whole. Our mission is to cultivate an ethos of wholeness and nurture our innate capacity to live for the good of the whole.

Kanya Vishwas Peace Foundation

We are providing education to young girls from different religious communities in rural and urban areas. When girls from different traditions are able to discuss issues they all face, such as hygiene and early marriage, they instantly recognize their bond. This opens the possibility to help each other in building interfaith cooperation from early stages.