Cooperation Circles

A URI Cooperation Circle is a self-organizing group of at least seven members who follow three or more faith traditions - including atheists agnostics and humanists - taking any kind of action to create cultures of peace, justice, and healing

Learn how to become a Cooperation Circle.

1202 Results

Colourful Segbroek (IBS) CC.

“Our purpose is to enhance peaceful coexistence in the multicultural and multireligious district of Segbroek (The Hague, The Netherlands); to contribute to and enhance the livability and the cosmopolitan feel of this district; and to organize activities, meetings and projects with other institutions that bring about social change, such as the work to prevent poverty.”

Community Initiative for Social Enhancement

"Our purpose is to address issues of poverty, unemployment, climate change and environmental protection, as well as to provide support to people infected and affected by AIDS. We plan to do this through social behavioral change, communication and advocacy, strengthening community care services and life skills and promoting peace and human rights with particular reference to children and women's rights."

Confederated Descendants of Rajah Mamalu Inc. CC

"Our purpose is to empower indigenous peoples (IPs) in advancing their rights and welfare; To participate in building and raising the awareness and understanding of IPs roles; To develop IPs-related research and policies, and to promote the indigenous political structure or customary governance system."


"Our purpose is to expand the promotion of an enduring daily interfaith cooperation, to end religiously motivated violence and create cultures of peace, justice and healing for the Earth and all living beings."

Cultural Educational and Environmental Organization - CEEO India

CEEOIndia is a non-profit organization working as a bridge between people and government for their empowerment and livelihood, focusing on national integration and communal harmony with their main thrust being economic, social and environmental development.

Debate Club

"Our purpose is to empower Syrian youth by engaging them in debates that tackle issues of their interest as well as involving them in international multicultural exchanges and peace building camps."